Poosh x WelleCo: 2020 Wellness Intentions

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Kourtney Kardashian and her team from Poosh share the areas they plan on targeting for better health in the new year.

Samantha Hyatt - Immunity

“This time of year, everyone gets sick, and for me, immune support is so important. I have a million things that I try to incorporate into my diet and my lifestyle to try to keep my immune system strong because I can’t afford, as a working mom, to take three days off and be in bed. When I’m using the The Super Booster Immune System Support regularly, putting it into my smoothies or even mixing it in water, it just keeps me feeling good and helps me fight off viruses when the kids are sick. I need to make my health and my sleep a priority, so I can feel my best.”

The Super Booster Immune System Support with Kakadu Plum

Brittney Mead / Nutrition 

“For 2020, I really want to focus on my nutrition. I tend to have tunnel vision, especially when I’m working, and have to remind myself to eat, which is so bad. But usually, throughout the day I’m like, OK, did I eat breakfast and lunch, and then it’s 3 p.m. and I’m like “Oh my gosh, I haven’t eaten yet!” So I really use the WelleCo SUPER ELIXIR every morning to start my day and at least I feel comforted knowing that I started my day with something nutritious, eating healthy, putting the right things in my body, and taking that time for self-care.”

Michelle Scanga - Supplementation & Body Balance

“I really want to make sure that I jump into my 30s in my best health, internally, physically, and also mentally. I think a lot of that starts with your gut, so that’s why taking The Super Booster Gut Health with Probiotic will be a priority now through the new year. By starting my morning with the booster, I hope to balance my digestive system and overall have a stronger and healthier lifestyle.”

WelleCo The Super Booster Gut Health with Inulin Prebiotic 

Read the full article on POOSH.COM