Build A Body Care Routine From Scratch

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Skincare routines shouldn't start and stop at your face. Here's why your body needs some extra attention, too.

Cleanse throroughly

Same as it goes with your face, it's important to start by cleansing your body. Our bodies can experience a build-up of sweat, oils and dirt throughout the day, even if you're only spending time inside. Start in the shower by washing off any impurities with your favourite body wash. These days there's an option to suit everyone, whether you're after a luxury shower gel or a sustainably-minded multi-purpose soap bar. Be sure to lather up your entire body before giving your skin a good rinse. Make sure that every sud is washed away so that it doesn't get stuck on your skin and cause more build-up on your body after you just did all that cleansing.

Exfoliate regularly

Now that you've cleansed the top layer of your skin, it's time to go a little deeper. Exfoliating your body regularly is the key to sloughing away any dead skin, removing any rough patches or bumps to reveal the smooth, soft skin that's underneath. Giving your body a good scrub will also do wonders for your cell turnover, which will lead to a more youthful visage as you age. There are numerous formulas that you can try, from chemical exfoliants – those that use active ingredients such as Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) and Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHAs) to exfoliate the skin – to physical exfoliants, which gently polish the skin with grains. Our founder Elle Macpherson favours a dry body brush, which exfoliates and boosts circulation at the same time. “I like to dry brush my body starting from my feet and working up towards my heart,” she says.

Nourish from within

One of the best ways you can care for your body? Nourish it from within! Consider The Super Elixir™ your complete inner beauty and wellness support, which helps to repair and replenish all your systems at a cellular level. The powerful blend of plant-based super greens contains more than 45 ingredients that encourage collagen production, which keeps your skin looking plump and your hair and nails feeling strong, as well as all the vitamins, antioxidants and minerals it needs to glow from the inside out. You'll also have more energy, your gut will feel balanced and you'll experience less bloating.

Stay hydrated

Okay, so it might be the last thing you feel like doing on a cold winter morning or right before you're about to slip on your favourite pair of jeans – but moisturising your body every day is key to keeping your skin looking and feeling supple. Applying a generous layer of moisturiser each day will help you lock in moisture and preserve your glow after you're done exfoliating. Double down on hydration by taking two teaspoons of The Super Elixir™ in water each day, which will replenish your body's hydration levels from within, while promoting a healthy appearance on the outside.

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