30 Days Welle: Team Tricks + Tips

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30 Days Welle: Team Tricks + Tips

The WelleCo team share their wellness wisdom so you can apply it to your own 30 Days Welle journey.


Serena, Trade Marketing Associate

Favourite flavour:Blood Orange

Your experience:I had extreme gut issues that ultimately started to affect my skin. I started taking The Super Elixir™ every morning, and within a week of taking it daily, my bloating reduced dramatically, my skin started to clear up and I now have this level of energy that carries me through the whole day. When taking it as soon as I wake, my gut feels like it’s set up for the day which has made eating much easier.

Top tip:I mix The Super Elixir™ with The Collagen Elixir. It is an absolute powerhouse for the gut and skin, and you feel the benefits of it within weeks. Combining the two elixirs together targets my gut and skin in just one glass.

Wise words:Enjoy the process and tackle it in the morning. Completing a small and simple task will not only will give you a sense of accomplishment but it will set your body and mind up for what's to come during your day.

Alessia, Marketing Manager

Favourite flavour:Pineapple and Lime

Your experience:The Super Elixir™ is like my insurance policy. Life can get so busy that Iforget to take care of my body, so when I drink The Super Elixir™ I know I’mkickstarting my day with all the right wholefoods, minerals, vitamins and

good nutrients. Physically, I notice stronger nails, my hair grows like crazyand I’m less bloated. From a mindfulness perspective, it’s my favouritemorning reminder to stay grounded and be gentle on myself. I find the 30Days Welle program helps reset this ritual if I fall off the bandwagon (whichcan totally happen from time to time, we’re all human!).

Top tip:Do it with a friend, I love doing 30 Days Welle with my bestie! It might soundstrange but every morning while we’re sipping on our greens, we take aselfie and sending it to each to keep ourselves accountable for 30 days. I

truly believe that all good journeys are best shared!

Wise words:A small change each day is better than nothing. If you focus on doing 1% better every day, this will accumulate into something spectacular. Whetherthat’s taking The Super Elixir™, going for a morning walk or doing a minuteof mindful breathing, all these things can add up after 30 days to have aprofound impact on your mind, body and spirit. It’s not about an all ornothing approach, just take it step-by-step, day-by-day.

Jess, Digital Coordinator

Favourite flavour:Pineapple and Lime

Your experience:My experience with The Super Elixir™ has been life changing. It gives me so much energy, and because I’m getting in my daily greens, my skin and overall health is better than ever.

Top tip:Start your year off the right way –– your body will be so grateful you did! The rewards you will see from taking The Super Elixir™ for 30 days are amazing and once you’ve completed it you will be so proud of yourself for sticking to something for the month. You won’t be able to imagine life without taking your greens every day!

Wise words: I always take it in the afternoon when I’m getting tired at that 3pm slump. Having it in a glass of water in the arvo gives me a pick me up and gives me so much energy to carry out the rest of the day! It completely wakes me up.

Emily, Customer Experience Manager

Favourite flavour:Blood Orange

Your experience:The Super Elixir™ is a non-negotiable for me nowadays. I couldn’t speak more highly of my experience: my energy, digestion and skin absolutely loves me for it.

Top tip:I love to tick the days off on my weekly calendar that sits on my desk. It’s a great way to keep my wellness routine consistent. My other little trick, especially leading into the warmer weather, is to have The Super Elixir™ just after lunch as my afternoon energy boost with some cold water and ice.

Wise words: Small steps always! Setting small goals and making small improvements every day helps you accomplish the bigger picture. Enjoy it!


The Super Elixir™

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The Collagen Elixir

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