3 sure-fire tips (to steal) for a beach-ready bod this holidays.
- Exfoliating, moisturising, and hydrating are key for getting my body ready for the beach. I dry brush from the toe up for circulation and I love our WelleCo Japanese Salt Scrub for soft, supple skin. For hydration, I use all organic products where possible. SANS (ceuticals) have a wonderful body oil and Indian Hicks products are perfect for traveling.
- I find my complexion is a great health barometer and can show how well I am inside, so I always start my day with 2 teaspoons of WelleCo SUPER ELIXIR Greens. It is formulated with 45 unique botanicals that balance the body and give my skin a radiant glow. It was formulated with Dr Laubscher PhD and our leading Australian formulators who looked at the average imbalances of an adult and thought about what specific ingredients she could include to support and balance all 11 systems. Some of the key ingredients are horsetail and omega-3 for hair, skin and nails, probiotics and prebiotics to support the entire digestive system, and shitake and maitake mushrooms that when combined, are great for immune function. Her considered approach has made the SUPER ELIXIR the ultimate multivitamin.
- I keep the rest of my skincare regime very simple and organic too. I exfoliate and moisturise with Lost Explorer products. The range is 100 per cent natural and beautifully curated. I love Lucas Papaw on my lips and cuticles - it’s very moisturising and very Aussie!
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