Elle gives us the stylish scoop on her Miami home.
“I love being at home in Miami. The heat, beach, and lifestyle are so similar to life in my native Australia.
I have always had an interest in interiors, which is really my life ethos – I am fascinated with what lies inside or beneath. Whether it’s to do with interior design or with health, I believe true beauty radiates from the inside out.
My home is full of modern art, and furniture from the 1930s, 40s and 50s. It’s mid-century style with a Miami twist. When furnishing my home in Miami, I worked with a great team at Sawyer Bernstein. I also love my friend Caroline Sarcozy’s cool, Parisian style. For me colour is important, so are clean lines with dash of eccentricity, so my home is very much a juxtaposition of mid-century modern, seagrass matting, Miami styling, indigenous art and classic photography. Tim Jeffries’ Hamiltons Gallery has been a wonderful source of art and inspiration.
My love of the outdoors means I am always swinging open the windows and the doors and letting the clean air and sunshine flow through the house.
I love gardening, and right now I am obsessed with crafting a vegetable patch! It’s my new thing, probably because I am also enjoying cooking at the moment. I am learning to food prep and cook healthy vegan dishes. For me, plant-based whole food nutrients are key for good health. I take two teaspoons of SUPER ELIXIR Greens first up every morning so I know, no matter what the day brings, I have had all the essential nutrients I need for optimum health.
Whilst I’m in the kitchen I love to turn the music up. Our house is always filled with music – from the time we wake up, until we go to bed. Our choices range from Beethoven, Mozart and Bach, to jazz, country and western, the 1970s, and a good dose of Drake.
I enjoy being at home and cleaning! I find it very therapeutic. I have a labelling machine because I love to label everything from hemp seeds to tahini. I have everything in glass jars with a label on the front. It makes things easier and inviting.
From Friday night, through to Sunday, my house teems with teens. Saturday morning the kitchen is a busy and productive mess, thanks to a boys breakfast cook-up that usually consists of pancakes, cereal, bacon and eggs. Seeing them laugh and enjoy themselves makes me feel so happy.
For me, weekends are the perfect time to relax. One of my favourite ways to unwind is to curl up with a pile of books or a movie and my labradoodle. I gravitate towards non-fiction and inspirational books. I love anything informative from home decoration to a human journey. I enjoy the benefits of Aromatherapy. At night, I do yoga and have a SLEEP WELLE Calming Tea formulated with Valerian, Skullcap and Hops to calm the body and mind. It is my ritual.
Being at home with my family is very much my haven.
Love Elle x