Busy day at work and would rather sleep than have sex? Here are some easy daily lifestyle changes that just might help.
Loss of sexual desire among women of all ages is more common than you might think. Experts in the United States believe the demands of modern life are to blame leaving women with little time or energy.
If sleep instead of sex is top of your daily to-do list, you may find adopting these easy habits are the answer.
Stress less
When you’re stressed, your body uses all of its best efforts on dealing with the stressor, leaving little energy for summoning the will to have sex. If you’re feeling stressed out at work or at home, your high cortisol levels are likely contributing to your lowered libido.
Finding ways to manage stress at a psychological and physiological level is super important, so ensure to make this a priority. The Super Booster Women’s Libido + Hormone Support can assist with helping you to manage stress. A key ingredient, Holy Basil extract, supports the body’s adaptation to stress and limits the negative side-effects that your body may experience during times of stress and help you to better foster physical resilience.
“Not now, I’m too tired!” Sound familiar? The US National Sleep Foundation recently found that one in four married people report that they’re too tired at the end of the day to have sex with their partner.
Lack of sleep reduces cognitive function, alertness and emotional reaction – all of which are important to libido. And if you, like many people, have experienced insomnia, sex is going to be the last thing on your mind.
A 2015 study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine also found that – especially for women – more sleep is correlated to greater levels of sexual arousal and desire the next day. In fact, just one hour more sleep was linked to a 14 percent increase in the odds that a woman would feel sexually motivated the next day.
A soothing cup of WelleCo SLEEP WELLE – Calming Tea before bed can do wonders as can ensuring you’re getting a balanced diet and enough exercise to keep your hormones balanced enough to allow you to easily enter sleep.
Water Water Water
We all know that we need our eight glasses of H2O per day to be adequately hydrated, but when we get busy, stressed, or tasks get in the way, we don’t always have time to get our fill.
If you’re not drinking enough water and hydration kicks in, you may suffer headaches, vaginal dryness and increases in the stress hormone cortisol, all of which can contribute to a lack in libido.
We are all different, but Dr Simone Laubscher PhD suggests aiming for at least 2 litres every day. “Drinking water can feel boring and at the beginning you may need to pee a lot till the tone in your bladder improves,” she says. “Most people give up after the first week because they are taking so many trips to the bathroom, but this will subside! So like creating all new habits, stick with it for 3 weeks, your bladder will get stronger and you will also develop a thirst again, making it really easy to maintain this great habit. A great way to fast track your hydration is to hold water in your mouth for 30-60 seconds before you swallow.”
Pass the greens please
Because salty, fried foods can leave you feeling bloated, and fatty foods can make you feel flat and depressed, a poor daily diet can be a physical and phycological libido-killer.
Additionally, if you’re drinking more alcohol than usual (or just drinking too much in general), your body’s natural hormone balance will experience interference that limits libido. And this goes without saying, but drugs and cigarette smoking can wreak havoc on your sex drive by decreasing blood flow to the sexual organs and increasing cortisol.
When it comes to fixing poor eating habits, increasing your daily intake of nutrient-packed seasonal produce is key.
“Here is a simple habit to form,” says gourmet vegetarian chef, Natasha Corrett. “Try and remember this one line every time you take a bite of something, to keep you on the right track: ‘Eat as mother nature intended’. All you have to do is eat as purely as you can. Fresh vegetables should make up 70% of your daily food intake while you should also work to stay away from processed foods, sugar, wheat, gluten, caffeine and alcohol. However, don’t panic as we believe it’s a lifestyle not a diet, so it’s okay to follow this rule 70% of the time.”
Mind fit
When you’re not feeling good about yourself, sex is usually the last thing on your mind. The brain is one of the most erogenous zones, so if your inner dialogue is plagued by thoughts of feeling unworthy, unattractive or otherwise blah, you might actually sabotage your sex life by rejecting advances or creating barriers to sex.
Many prescription medications carry the unfortunate side-effect of a decrease in libido. If you’re taking an anti-depressant, beta blocker or ACE inhibitor, make sure to check the product label, and if you find that the side effects are too much of a dealbreaker, talk to your doctor about an alternative medication.
Fit body = great sex
Aside from helping you to stay fit and healthy, the amount of movement that you get also impacts your libido.
Being physically inactive can cause a whole host of issues such as weight gain, decreased muscle mass, metabolic dysfunction and hormonal imbalance as well as lowering testosterone production – which helps govern your sex drive. When our sex hormone production is out of whack, it becomes more difficult in general to find the motivation for sex.
Happy hormones
If you have a thyroid disease or abnormal levels, your sex drive can be greatly impacted along with your metabolism. It’s crucial to have your thyroid levels tested when you go to the doctor (especially for women, who are more prone to thyroid issues).
Additionally, some of us are born with naturally low testosterone – which can give us a low sex drive. But sometimes low testosterone doesn’t just happen by itself… it can also be impacted by oral contraceptives or withdraw from oral contraceptives.
Although the pill hasn’t been officially proven to impact sex drive directly, it can impact hormones, which we know can impact sex drive. Many people who have started taking oral contraceptives – or stopped taking them – have reported sudden, drastic changes to their libido.
Keep it exciting
If your partner isn’t meeting your needs, you’re bored with your regular routine, or if you’re just not enjoying yourself, there’s not going to be much of a motivation for you to want to have sex at all.
Consider what your ideal sex life would look like and how that might differ from what your current situation is. Hopefully, your partner is loving and supportive enough to acknowledge how wonderful you are and how they might help you feel better about your sex life. Or, if you’re single, take matters into your own hands (pun intended)and explore new ways to pique your interest in your sexuality again.
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